Made from pure authentic African Black Soap and Shea Butter. 100% natural organically derived soap, non fragrance. Relieve acne, eczema and psoriasis.
Excellent for sensitive skin. Leaves the skin cleaner, softer and moisturised.
Tag: rashes
African Black Soap

African Black Soap

100% natural organically derived soap made in Ghana from cocoa pod ash & unrefined Relieve acne, blemishes, spots, eczema and psoriasis.
Originating from the villages of Ghana, Nigeria and Togo in West Africa. It is an ancient product that is cherished and used in homes throughout Africa, establishing it as an essential component of daily beauty regimes.
Your Skin is your Biggest Asset … Know it! Nurture it! and Love it!
Beauty is in the skin. Beauty is you. What you have and how you are.
How well you look after your skin will determine the result you get. You can hide a bad skin problem and allow a temporary beautiful skin to reflect through cosmetic make-up, but make –up is to enhance beauty and not to cover up the skin. As the saying goes, “beautiful make-up starts with beautiful skin“. By preserving your skin you preserve your beauty.
A good knowledge of your own body and skin from head to toe is essential to maintaining beautiful skin. Understand when your body is communicating to you. Recognise the need of the hour by regular examination of your skin before bath time to detect onset of stress, lack of vitamins, diseases e.t.c. It is about evaluating and analysing the needs of the skin so that there is minimum requirement of any corrective action as the saying goes ‘A stitch in time saves nine’. Feeding the skin with the right ingredients to cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise is also essentials. The skin care strategy should be changed according to the age, requirement and actual change in skin. Above all Love your body. Think of the long term effect not immediate beauty. Good sleeping pattern, regular exercise, healthy dietary habits, and drinking copious quantities of water daily will help maintain a healthy beautiful youthful skin that will last. At 50 you can still look 30.
People go to great length in cosmetic surgery to improve their appearance and self-esteem and to make sure that their skins reflect beauty as they perceive beauty. With so many cosmetic surgery procedures available, such as Botox Injections, Blepharoplasty, Brow Lift, Buttock Augmentation, Liposuction, Buttock Lift, Chemical Peels, Dermabrasion, Facelifts, Facial Implants, Injectable Fillers and Thermage, there is no end to finding solutions to beauty. People also go to the extent of applying concoctions on their skin, whether healthy or non healthy, toxic and non toxic in the name of beauty. Blacks are known for the extreme use of skin lightening chemicals while on the contrary the Caucasians go for extreme sun tan, which destroys the skin barriers and leads to many diseases and healthy problems.
Women especially spend lots of money buying products that are claimed to be effective enhancer of beauty. When allowed, women can spend as much as £1000 on products that will bring out their beauty. Unfortunately you cannot buy beauty. What is good for you may not be good for others.
I look at beauty as a thing that everyone has. Somehow along the line, the Divine Authority has given us this thing we called beauty to stir up some chemicals in our brain which led to the famous saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”.
With the fashion world saying: “Your face looks great, your body looks great”. How about feeling great underneath with a healthy beautiful skin that covers the whole radiant body and last longer with age.
Among all these drastic measures of attaining beautiful skin, there has to be a simple regime that can enhance beauty without so much destruction or drastic measures.
The skin being the barrier and protector of our body organs is being bombarded by many factors from the environment and by our own self inflicted factors. Healthy beautiful skin requires great efforts on skincare maintenance routine. A good skincare has to be a daily routine part of our beauty life. At less than 16 years of age we can blame our parents for making us look ugly but over 16, it’s our responsibility to determine our look. Younger skins are more resilient to withstand more wear and tear but mature skins are quick to register fluctuations in health, diet, exercise and sleep patterns. Therefore as we age, our skin needs changes. To keep skin looking its very best, a woman’s skin care regime should change to address the unique needs of each decade.
Healthy beautiful skin starts from natural beauty regime. Tapping into the world ancient beauty secrets, such as Cleopatra beauty secret of bathing with milk and honey that our fore-fathers have been using before the advent of technology one can see the benefits of natural products in today’s beautiful skin maintenance.
(“Your body is a chalice, wine-filled. Your skin is silken and tawny like a field of wheat touched by the breeze…” King Solomon NMB).
Tapping into the ancient beauty products from the rain forest of Africa, I discover the uniqueness of African Natural Soap, popularly called African Black Soap, from the villages of West Africa (Ghana, Nigeria and Togo). The soap is a soft texture 100% natural soap, brownish-black in colour with a natural earthy smell, made from centuries old recipe passed down from generation to generation and used as part of essential component of beauty regime all over the world with it’s secret kept to the people who value it’s essence. It is widely know in the villages as soap for all skin problems. For centuries, Africans use the soap to relieve acne, rashes, scalp irritations, clear blemishes, body odour and various other skin issues. Traditionally it is used to give babies their first bath. It gives the baby a deep cleansing first bath, leaving the skin silky, soft and smooth with a feeling of freshness
The soap is made from naturally sourced potash obtained from cocoa pod husk or plantain skin and unrefined palm kernel oil. It’s made with no animal fats, preservatives, colour enhancers, chemical and fragrance. It is biodegradable, ethical and eco friendly and can be recommended for the most sensitive skins, young children and older more delicate skins with no adverse effects.
Combining the benefit of the African traditional ingredients with the benefits of modern natural/naturally derived ingredients, we, under the brand name of Yess Essentials, formulated sophisticated, naturally based skincare products for all skin types that ensure meticulous skin cleansing and comprehensive moisturising for best skin maintenance regime. The restorative products are beneficial to all global skin types, whether suffering from the impacts of pollution, harsh climatic conditions or the effects of ageing.
“Natural beauty from the root”
Yess Essentials products, used as part of routine skincare maintenance programme can help offset and manage the intrusive environmental and age related impacts on beauty. These together with healthy hours of sleep daily, healthy dietary habits, and drinking copious quantities of water daily will help maintain a healthy beautiful skin that will last.
Yess Essentials products presents users with the opportunities of taking control of responsible beauty regime that will over time recreate, nurture and maintain a good radiant healthy skin while at the same time defending the skin from depleting intrusion.
Yess Essentials products speak the language a healthy good skin understands.
Dr. Yemi Shode
Yess Essentials Ltd